Art- it's ok not knowing!

(Pls forgive the typos)
When an artist paints a picture they have no idea if that one picture is going to make any difference. Will that painting, that work, that creation touch one heart? Will that painting make someone cry and be cleansed and healed. Or Will that painting be meaningless in the realm of life just a painting that people pass by.
My life feels like a painting. I've been given the gift of art through music. The paper is my canvus and words are my paint. I'm definitely not The greatest artist who ever lived. I'm definitely not the greatest artist in the city. And I may not be the greatest artist on my block. But I can't stop making "art" 
Why was I born with that conviction inside of me to create? God gave it to me. God is the creator and we all have gifts of course. Today I just wonder why I Feel so compelled not knowing the outcome if any.
I'm writing my story and maybe no one will ever read it. Or worse maybe not even one person will be touched by it were blessed or changed or moved or cleansed.  What a nightmare that would be what a waste of time and effort and energy...or maybe not
I'm creating because I'm listening to the master, my king my creator my abba. I'm writing these songs and I'm writing this book for him -for an audience of one because I want to listen to him because obedience has value when combined with faith.
Just for today I have the faith to believe that there can be power in the little things (we) I do and create. I'm okay with not knowing if this song or book or work (my life's painting) will make a difference tho it might. It  makes me happy just to create. 
I'm having fun and I'm trusting like a child. It's okay if this work is just for me to bring healing and joy in my own life however limited that may seem. It's okay if the only purpose of my work is just to say to God "thank you" for this beautiful day and for my life's experiences.
Abba I give my gift to you I give my art to you I get my songs to you. It's yours Lord let everything within me praise you just because you are worthy and your love is lasting. Amen